Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quick note

I love conference and the Ensign, because the Lord answers prayers through them! i'm so grateful for leaders called of God.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Golden Ticket

In the "October Conference Notebook" in the Ensign, I read an excerpt from a talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf about a lady who was optimistically waiting for her prince charming to come along. This would be her golden ticket, as they called it, to happiness. She would have a perfect family and be a perfect mom and be perfectly happy. But prince charming never came, and over the years her dissappointment changed to bitterness and anger at the world. She took it out on the people around her, including the children she worked with as an elementary school teacher. This story has a sad ending, because she never realized that even though she didnt have children of her own, God was blessing her with the opportunity to bless hundreds of children as a teacher, and He loved her very much.

So I'm not in that situation, why am I writing about it? I just reflected a little bit when after the article, the magazine posed a question:
"What might be your golden ticket, and how might it be hindering your ability to see the blessings you already have?"

This happens to me so much! I am always wishing for the next thing, and I've been like that my whole life! And I have so many blessings! I have my prince charming and a great job that I love and I can bless this family and learn how to be a mom at the same time! I have the technology of my ipad and the support of my family, especially Debbie, who talks to me every day through text or on the phone. There are definitely days that I wish I could just go home and be with Ricky (especially the nights that the baby doesnt sleep well, like 2 nights ago!) and I think that I should have appreciated more the time that we were together. But that also means that I have to appreciate this time for the blessings that I have. My golden ticket these days has been having kids, because that was my motivation for coming here and when things draw closer it's hard to wait. But then I realize what a big responsibility it is and I need to just enjoy this time, especially when I'm back with Ricky I need to enjoy the time with just him. One of the things that I miss most is that he always spent his free time with me to take me around Querétaro and have fun. I don't think it's bad to miss my hubby, but I do need to be grateful for the here and now while I'm able to provide for my family.

I want to be more grateful for my talents by practicing. It's so hard to find motivation while I'm all by myself and after a long day of baby watching. But if I'm going to have kids of my own, I'm going to have to find it! I am NOT giving up my viola, I feel so good when I play and I love inspiring others by performing. I wonder if maybe I should have like lesson times and deadlines, that always seemed to motivate me in college. See, I should be grateful for this time to figure all that stuff out. You would be amazed by some of the things I can do with a baby around. I can do laundry, do dishes, organize my room, take a shower, pick up toys, do my makeup, eat, exercise, and I even cooked one day. Hey, maybe I should try practicing with him around, even if it's for 5 minutes; he'd have a little music lesson that few babysitters could boast!

Anyway, happy Sunday! It's conference Sunday, and yesterday was Sam's baptism and Josh's birthday! I didnt get to see conference yesterday, but I'm going to watch it today. So y'all enjoy too!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Family History

So, I got inspired by some ensign articles about family history, so I decided to go to the family history center to do some!! And, I found some work to do! And, I can learn about my family history from my ipad! Hey, maybe that's the missing piece activity that I can do while I'm here! It's exciting.
We also go to hear from members of the presidencies of the general primary, relief society, and young women's, specifically talking to the women in Houston! So cool. They bore powerful testimonies that if we just remember that we are beloved daughters of Heavenly Father, we can find peace and joy in this life through Jesus Christ. It was a very special moment for all of us to hear from them. Here are 4 things that Elaine S. Dalton told us that we must always do 100%. She was talking to the Young Women, but I'm pretty sure we are included too.
1.Pray morning and night every day 100%.
2. Read the Book of Mormon at least 5 minutes a day 100%
3.Live the standards in the For the Strength of Youth 100%.
4.Smile at least once a day every day 100%.

Isnt that cute, how she told us to smile? She really is awesome! She told us about a young woman named Vivian from South Africa who, when asked about the hardships she had to face, told her, but Sister Dalton, we have the gospel of Jesus Christ! Barbara Thompson told us about "not taking short-cuts" and not listening to Satans lies that we are not good enough. And that the prophet loves us. The other sister that spoke, I dont remember her name but she was from the primary presidency and shared her testimony that we are daughters of our Heavenly Father. Our area seventy spoke too, he gave a great talk but, I dont remember what it was about exactly, haha. All of the speakers told us many things but especially they just embraced us with their uplifting and inspiring message and the love in their eyes.
After that, and after geneology, I just felt like my cup was over-flowing with blessings!

I am now planning to see Ricky in May, after I go to Kayla's wedding! Super excited about that. Ricky and I are thinking of having me meet him in his mission area! He hasnt gone back there since his mission, and we havent had our honeymoon yet, so, this could be the right occasion, we just have to see how much plane tickets cost. If not, we will definitely do it by the end of the year! Yay.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Inspiring moms

So, today, I got to hear from two inspiring moms, people I actually knew this time. ;). Reading Rudi's blog where she writes about her feelings and experiences with her beautiful new baby boy was really special, and I am especially grateful that she shared the quote from Jeffery R. Holland about the sacrifice mothers make but how blessed they are. Sonia's blog, showing the pictures of her children and telling how the whole family shared Valentines Day together. And my mother in law, who quoted the Feb 2012 VIsiting Teaching message. I like that she told me that I am doing everything that I can and more. One of my worries was that I wasnt doing enough. I know I can do better with some things, but, I guess I am doing not too bad. I'm not trying to brag, I just feel like Nephi sometimes. I desire to rejoice, but then my heart is bogged down by my sins and weaknesses. BUT I know in whom I have trusted. Everything is going to be okay, just enjoy and keep praying and telling Heavenly Father that you want to obey His commandments. He knows what you want, but He wants you to ask for it too. I am grateful for the mother figure that my mother in law is to me. We havent always gotten along; sometimes I would get so frustrated by little things she would "teach" me. I am a very stubborn student. But she insisted on being the mother figure that I still need in my life, with love and kindness, and a good sense of humor. I am so grateful for that.
I was also inspired by my own mother this week. A week ago was her birthday and Becky made a photoshop in honor of her and the caption said, "Inspiring musician, teacher, wife, mother, and friend. Happy birthday, Mommy. I miss you so much." Me too.

Sometimes it's hard to go through memories with my mom because I do miss her. But reading the forums and the blogs, I looked back on what my parents shared with me about my mom's own experiences. It definitely was not easy for her, but she was such a loving mother who taught us life-lasting principles and gave us inspiring memories. One story is, when I was little, I used to be terrified of sirens. As a teenager and as an adult I'm still not particularly fond of them. I guess I dont like the idea of someone being in trouble. But she told me that when I would scream and run around when I was little, she was worried. Then a friend told her to pray with me every time it happened. She did. When she told me this, I was surprised. I said, I always say a prayer in my heart for the people that are in trouble every time I hear a siren, and now I know why! Cute story, right? My mom was the best example of prayer. She prayed for us, and prayed with us when we werent feeling well or had a hard situation. I am grateful for that. Do you have an experience about your mother or mothers in your life? Maybe you want to wait 2 months until Mother's Day, but I just felt like here and now I should write about it so I can look back on this inspiration. Thanks, inspiring mothers!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hi, this week has been very interesting. First, the mom went to Vegas for a 5 day weekend which, though it sounds crazy, she has never done before and she got to have girl time and a break so I'm sure it was much needed. So the dad and I were with the kids. He invited his older girls to come help out and that is a very good thing! It was fun, and I got to know his "super-dad" side, he was really working hard and not doing too bad. Now, he just went on a trip and I get to spend this week bonding with the mom. I get the impression that they compete when the other isn't around to see who can handle the kids and the house better. I give the dad an A for effort. He took us to Toys R Us, a restaurant with giant aquariums and moving animal sculptures, and the carousel at the mall, and I think I was as excited as the kids, if not more. And he was working hard on the laundry and the dishes. However, I'm pretty sure that mom will win. Lol. I'm excited about getting to know her better, now that she won't be babysitting the dad. Hahaha.

I finally got my immigration stuff in! I am so happy about that. Now it's time to wait until the next process begins.

And, i also have some pretty exciting things coming up! General Authorities are coming to Houston and they are doing a special broadcast for the women of Houston. And, temple trip on Wednesday!

Okay, I wrote this post almost a week ago and havent published it. Here's what's been going on since...:)
It has been great with the mom. We went to an inflatable gym place that the kids could run around in. The baby now walks all the time and doesnt crawl anymore, so it was perfect for him! We've also gone out to eat and played in the McDonalds playland, and the mom and I have bonded and she complains about things that the dad does and I listen and side with her. :). She even asked me about the church! I was happy to share things with her and she liked my suggestion of a family night. We sorta had one on Saturday, A family day really, we went out to breakfast, shopping and dinner and also hung out at home together. On the way home from dinner was when she asked about the church, so I considered that our spiritual discussion and then after bath we did a prayer together. It was nice. She really does have great values and I am grateful that i am able to share things with her. I took a book of mormon from the missionaries yesterday, i have it for when the time is right, which I have a feeling will be soon! Yay!

I know this sounds crazy, but I have been into names and baby names, well, my whole life but this past week especially because I found a really cool site with forums about everything baby and baby name that you can imagine, plus definitions and all that. I found it so much fun but crazy-addictive! I learned a lot though by reading peoples' experiences and comments and ideas, and by giving my own, I learned about myself. It was interesting. I even found some names that I didnt realize before that I would like but love now! I even was able to vent out my baby fever abit, and some of my fears about childbirth, because I do have them. It was helpful, honestly. Though like I said, far too addicting! I need to have my life back! Lol. I am grateful for the good experience though and for what I learned. I know that when the time comes I would love to hear all of your experiences. This nannying thing makes me think about it a lot, even more than I used to which is saying something!

I am grateful for my job, but I didnt realilze how anxious I would be about what comes next. I know I say this every time but it really is on my mind all the time. When Ricky and I were engaged, it was the same thing. Everything is TBD. But every time I think about it, I feel like Queretaro is where we belong, and that when I'm done, I should just go back and, if I get my old job back, pick up where I left off, if not, find new jobs. The Lord will make things happen, just like He has been all this time. Well, I've gotta go. Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentines day

So, today started off horribly. I was expecting to go to the doctors early so I didnt take any pain killers and therefore just felt miserable all day. I asked if I could have the morning off to rest and they had promised me the morning off yesterday and today because I worked on sunday and didnt give me either one. They\'re both sick too which is lame. I really wanted to support them so they could have their bonding time, but I was feeling so appointment was at 2. Once I got to the doctor, they told me I had to pay a $100 deductible and I said, I\'m not paying that, but, I did, I felt so horrible I had no choice. At least the doctor was quick and the antibiotics only costed $10. Once I got home, I took some ibuprofen and ate for the first time all day and then took my antibiotics and, a second nap for the day before the mom came back from her errand. About an hour before the parents had to leave, I finally started feeling better, but a LOT better! I was so happy. Plus it really lifted my spirits that the mom got me a valentines day present! That means a lot to me, and she said it meant a lot to her that I could help them out so they could stay at their hotel tonight. We\'ve all been miserable the past few days, and the fact that she still thought to get me a present meant a lot to me. I wish i had gotten her something, but hopefully just that fact that I have been there for them has been enough. She\'s funny, she got me a card, candy apples, and a bubble gun. Do you know how valuable a bubble gun is to a babysitter? Lol. I\'m not sure who was more excited, the 2 year old daughter, or me. Baby was like, bubbles, that\'s cool. Didnt get really excited though. The little girl and I had an awesome night (as usual when the parents arent there ;) but baby was the one who was cranky with me today, maybe because he was with his mom this afternoon and didnt want to go back to boring old me, and I have been boring the past 2 days because I\'ve been too miserable to do much. And I keep thinking that he\'s going to get strep too. He could be cranky because he\'s catching it. Or maybe both. Poor baby. Who knows. But the parents say he\'s fine. I hope it just skips over him! We\'ll see how he does. At least we are all on antibiotics now!

You know, all trials happen for a reason. I know that I am strong enough to work when I\'m sick. I know that I have great bosses. And, it made me realize that I really need to take better care of myself. It\'s official. Any tips for immune boosting habits would be much appreciated!!

I finally got Ricky\'s form! If I can get everything together tonight I will send the i130 tomorrow. If not, I will send it on thursday. He got me a flower and showed it to me over facetime. He\'s cute. We talked when the kids were still awake and baby waved at him and the girl said, hi Ricky hi Ricky! It was adorable. I did something really special for him. I took his favorite special dark kisses and cut and colored a heart for each one, and wrote something that I like about him on each heart. It took a lot of time!! But, he seemed impressed by my creativity. :). I also ordered a personalized cookie from my awesome friends. I haven\'t seen it yet and neither has ricky but he probably won\'t get it until Sunday. And we had our spiritual thought and prayer together, and after that I listened to some conference talks while finishing my present, and that was awesome. A good end to a day that started so miserably. I have so much to be grateful for. Happy Valentine\'s Day to everyone!

the kisses

my flower

She was very patient and let me do her hair! She also lets people do her nails too, such a girly girl! :)

surprise for Miss Stephanie!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Yesterday and today I slacked off on my practicing. I was doing so well too. But I wont give up. This article inspired me to keep going. Even if I dont find the open doors that I want, I can bless my life and the lives of others through my music. And then the Heavens the doors will open the way the Lord wants them to. So, inspirational moment. Ricky and I decided that every day we would study a verse together. Something small but it means so much to me. Today was the first day since that conversation and I felt the Spirit as Ricky quickly but effectively shared a scripture with me and I said our family prayer. I feel so blessed.

Yesterday I played hymns on my viola and it gave me the spiritual boost I needed. That\\\'s why I felt so inspired by this girl\\\'s accomplishment and testimony. Thanks, Elder Oaks\\\' daughter!